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Marvel Ace - Pokémon Go tips and tricks – How to find, capture and keep 'em all

1. Don't forget to trade in duplicates

There's no point hoarding a load of the same Pokémon. If you want to level up or evolve your Pokémon faster, you should trade any duplicates you have back to Professor Willow. He'll give you candy when you do, which are really important for evolving your Pokémon and nabbing yourself some powerful allies.

2. Collecting lots of the same Pokémon is actually important

You might dismiss a nearby Pidgey because you've already got one in your Pokédex, but it's actually a good idea to catch multiple of the same critters because of the candies you'll get.

For every Pokémon you catch you'll be gifted three or so of that Pokémon's particular flavour of candy. For example, you get three Pidgey candies per Pidgey, and another if you trade your Pidgey in to Professor Willow.

To evolve any Pokémon you're going to have to feed them their specific candy type. So for a Pidgey to evolve to a Pidgeotto, it's 12 Pidgey candies. But to evolve from Pidgeotto to Pidgeot, it's a whopping 50 candies. Better start catching those Pidgeys.

It's the same story for every Pokémon, but the amount of candy you'll need varies per evolution.

Goodness knows how we're going to get a Venasaur.

3. And each Pokémon has different strength

Before you start trading in every Rattata you've ever collected, make sure you're keeping the most powerful version in your pocket. Each Pokémon has a CP score above it, which makes a huge difference to how powerful it is.

So make sure to trade in the ones with a lower CP score, otherwise you'll find yourself vastly outranked when you hit the gym.

You can use the candies you collect to boost a Pokémon's CP score too, which is useful for the top evolutions.

4. Catching Pokémon is easier with AR turned off

Yes, yes, yes we know. This is an augmented reality (or AR) game - that's the whole point. But, bear with us, because it's actually easier to catch Pokémon with the AR turned off.

When you've found a new PokéFriend in the wild and you're presented with the Pokéball throwing screen, hit the AR switch in the top right hand corner.

Instead of seeing the Pokémon in the world around you, you'll get a generic computer-generated background instead. It keeps the Pokémon stilll, regardless of the turns and movements you make in real life. That allows you to get better aim and there's less chance of you missing your target.

It's extremely useful if you're snapping up Pokémon on a bus, train or car (when not driving we might add). Plus, it'll save your phone battery a little.

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